Our specialities

Specialities and Benefits of this Startup Business


Specialities and Benefits of this Startup Business

Robots, Al, ML will attract thousands of customers

Hygienic cooking and service

Our own unique and branded products

Our own alkaline water machine for all usage of water, it will help create healthy societ

Best experienced chef and AI, ML

Best service by ladies, gents and robots with the support of Al, ML

Provide excellent hospitality management training by our own training team for all employees

Hygienic healthy tasty food will attract people

Our own supply team like food and beverage

Many products can sell all over the area through our supply chain

Celebrity branding partners

Futuristic Business

Highly Profitable

Daily Profit Without Credit

Students will visit this Restaurants for study tour with food

High income from take away

Effective social media marketing, SEO etc.

TV ads with our celebrity partners

Easy to scale up

1000s of franchises can develop easily

100% success guaranteed busines

Training And Consultancy

We provide necessary training programs for all our employees and our franchise staffs like managerial training programs, inspirational training programs, leadership training programs, sales trainings, technical trainings for artificial intelligence and machine learning, Robotic technologies, cooking and service, hospitality management etc. The above mentioned training programs will be available for all any other companies Nationally and internationally and also will act as a international consultancy.

Virtual Reality Meeting

After hundred franchises We will provide virtual reality meetings for Robotasty club members it will connect the entire Robotasty club members from different countries under one umbrella. Through this advannced technology we can make an easiest way of communication throughout the world wide with the help of virtual reality.

Alkaline Water Machine

It is a good form of water which is prepared with the help of machines with our advanced research and technologies, which is very good for better health with anti-aging properties. It is very rarely used in india due to its high amount of cost but our company has decided to manufacture it and to distribute at a lower cost all over the world and especially to all our Cafes and Restaurants

Special Tea and Coffee

We are introducing our own unique and secret ingredients for anti-aging and good health to our special tea and coffee which is proven through our researches and studies

Robotasty International Pvt. Ltd.